Artist Statement

I make photographs because it gives me pleasure and fulfills my need for creative self-expression. My subjects include the fishing villages, marshes, and rocky beaches of Maine, and the mountains, forests, and farmlands of New England.  For me, the pleasure is in the hunt as well as the capture.  My walks in the woods, along streams, on the beach, and in marshes are physical and sensual as much as they are visual and artistic.  I enjoy feeling the wind, sun, rain and snow on my face; the weight of the camera and tripod on my back; the pounding of the waves; the calling of the shore birds; the sloshing of rubber boots in the mud and water; and smelling the pine forest and seaweed.  I go to these places without expectations, but always with the same goals: be present in the moment, chase the light, and see what others miss. 

My work is influenced by contemporary nature and landscape photographers, including:  Patrick Zephyr, Kurt Budliger, Ian Plant, Tony Sweet, and Freeman Patterson, among others. 

My representational and abstract images try to capture moments of beauty and insight, suggest a sense of place, evoke emotions, or tell a story.  I am inspired by the interface of land, water, and sky, the passing of time, the circle of life, and the darkness on the edge of town.